Friday, October 31, 2008

Freaky Friday

Happy Halloween!

Though I'm not much of a costumer myself, I do enjoy other people's costumes and it seems like the people in my boss' lab take it quite seriously. Today there was a throng of witches, a Christian Martyr, a jester, an obsessed futball fan, and a couple other random outfits.

I was trying to have an official business meeting with my boss when he popped up in an ultimate Oh Shiny moment to grab his camera and abandon me. He said, "Sorry! Just saw someone I need to take a picture of!" Cool. Now I don't feel so bad for not preparing well for this meeting, heh heh.

After we wrapped things up, RB (the boss) and I went into the lab to check out the costumes. He decided to stage a few scenarios of the witches three and the martyr. Okay, thrust the rosary and your bible at the witches--witches, recoil in fear! Okay, now all the witches: grab me by the neck and choke me!

I'm not quite sure what he had for breakfast this morning, but I want some!

Some other notable comments from the picture taking extravaganza:
  • RB on Jane's witchy, spiderweb gloves: Hey Jane, I like your gloves. They're kinda doin' it for me!
  • Jane on the Chinese tech's costume: Oh, look! She dressed up like a Chinese lady! (??? Uh, Jane, she IS a Chinese lady!)
  • RB on the orange wig: Oh, I can go as Harish dressed up as ME!
FYI, Harish is a guy in the lab who has hideously dyed henna hair. For RB to make this wisecrack damn near laid me out on the floor in fits of laughter. I swear, I want what he's having! BAH!

I'll have to bug the girls for some photos. Nothing says fun like blackmail material!

And then the martyr said, "Ohh? We weren't supposed to do it for real?"

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