I have really been bitten by spring fever this year! I come in, blog or read online, then meander back outside to putter in the yard in band-healing-worthy spurts. I just went out to cut a woody weed plant that I thought I had cut last year. I saw leaves and was like, yikes! Let's kill it now!
While I was climbing through the high grass to get to it, something leaped at my feet! After stifling my girl scream, I was able to get a look at what startled me. A little toad! Between bunnies (most frequent hit put out by the mob, with a total kill of about 11), birds galore and now my toad buddy, it seems like an episode of Wild Kingdom out in my yard. Well, minus Marlin Perkins standing a safe distance away from the wild pack of corgwyn while Jim moves in for a closer look.
I was able to get in, grab my camera and take several (mostly blurry) shots of Mr. Toad. He is only alive by the grace of God and the fact he has some kick ass camouflage. Unlike the dumb bunnies who bounce around--here I am!--Mr. Toad has enough sense to stay still and out of the line of sight of the dogs. Jack was out with me and I was sure he was going to eat the toad in one gulp. But no. He totally ignored it, if he even noticed it at all. Good. I have no idea if eating a toad will make him sick or not. And still not very bendy from my surgery recovery, I'm not in a huge mood to pick up dog vomit.
So Mr. Toad goes on to live another day. Hopefully he'll find a safer place to be than my back yard. Or maybe I could buy him a nice toad house to live in. Yay, any excuse to spend money on gardening stuff!
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