I'm not sure why, but there is a big bee that loves to hang out on my back patio. She likes to stay in helicopter mode right at my eye level. When she's not dive bombing me, that is.
I have named her Mary Frances. That was my grandmother's name, but her nickname was Bea (Beasley). You do the math.
I am not sure, but I think she's a carpenter bee. I've seen holes in my fence in the past--perfectly round holes with a tiny pile of sawdust beneath. So that's why I think the bee is not a traditional bumble bee. Fortunately, they're not particularly aggressive. The males don't sting, though the females can.
The problem is that when Mary Frances flies low, the dogs like to jump and try to snatch her right out of the air! It's quite funny to watch, but I really don't want to have to deal with an emergency vet bill when the inside of their mouths get stung!
Ooops. Mary Frances is a boy. S/he has a patch of yellow on his/her head, which means male. Females have all black faces. Gotta love wikipedia. Anyway, I'm still calling it Mary Frances, the tranny bee, and now I'm not going to worry as much if one of the dogs eats it. Not that I'll encourage it.
Oh, another reason for the neighbors to think I'm insane: when the bee dive bombs me, I usually mutter, "Damn it, Mary Frances! Get away from me!" Yeah, the white coats (or yellow and black striped coats) will be coming for me shortly!
Here's a short video clip of me and the bee, chillin' in the yard.
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