Ya ever encounter things that just stick in your craw? Why do people do this kinda stuff? Here's one of mine: people who back into diagonal parking spots on one way streets. WTF?
There's this one little lot on my way to work that usually has at least one person who has done this. Either a.) they have gone the wrong way down the one way driveway or b.) they have done some kind of 20-point turn to maneuver into this spot.
Why? To brag about your backing up prowess? Granted, we saw a chick yesterday who could not drive in reverse to save her life. But is parking backwards like this really necessary?
I don't carry this around all day with me--WHY ARE THEY RUINING MY LIFE BY PARKING BACKWARDS?? But I do note it every time I walk by and am greatly amused. Especially when there are many cars parked like this.
How important is it to these people that they get to pull out when they leave? Planning a quick getaway? Now, they're gonna have to again drive the wrong way down that street or spend 10 minutes trying to do a donut getting out of there correctly.
I guess it falls into the category of why make something more difficult than it needs to be?
Oh yeah, this pet peeve also includes those who do this in grocery store parking lots with one way lanes. I'm a huge proponent of those giant, curved, sharp needle curb things they have in some big cities. Caution! Severe tire damage! If you go the wrong way down an alley, your tires get shredded. Love that! That's what you get for ignoring the signs! Have a nice day! Hee hee!
I know, I HATE those douchebags!! Seriously. Those strips that tear up your tires if you go the wrong way should be installed at Walmart. And run along the length of the aisles so that the douchebags don't drive ACROSS the aisles at 45 mph, almost hitting Grandma who is going down the aisle like she's supposed to.
Where do people get off thinking THEY don't have to obey the rules? Wouldn't the world be a great place if everyone just did what they were supposed to? *sigh*
We should start a letter writing campaign--that's where I want MY tax money going, to those tire shredders for the douchebags of America!
Fortunately, I'm not holding my breath on the people doing what they're supposed to do. I'd like, "Things that will never happen," for $200, Alex.
hee hee
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