Though it is a bit warm outside, the weather is otherwise gorgeous and I have spent most of today working on the yard. Dabble a bit, come in and rest. I've done that about 30 times so far today! Well, maybe not that much. I'm waiting for late afternoon until I mow the lawn, as it's a tad hot out there for me right now.
Things are really coming along out in the backyard. I'm almost to the point where I wouldn't be humiliated if I had company over! My grass in back had gone to seed. Yikes! So I got out there with my weed eater and hacked it down, then edged around the fence and the deck. I'll go over the yard later with the mower, but at least now the tall grass shouldn't clog the mower. Please! I can't really yank the starter too many times. Don't want my pork to protest.
My little veggie babies are also coming along well--I'm so pleased! Then again, this is only the beginning of spring. There's plenty of time for me to slack and let everyone dry out and weed up. But I'm going to try to be really good this year and tend to my garden. Then I'll have plenty of veggies to grill in a few month. And what I don't eat, I'll share with friends at work.
I have seedlings for pretty much everything I planted seeds for: cucumber, sugar snap peas, chives, basil, eggplant and cilantro. Lots of cilantro. Mmmmmmmm. Now I just have to take care of my little babies so they'll grow up to be big yummy plants!
I need to wander off to find out how I can post several pictures here.
Actually, the easiest thing for me is to link you to my personal website, where it's really easy to have photo albums. You can go to Mareydenis.com for the opening page or go here to go straight to my photo albums.
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