As I've mentioned before, I have started walking in from the parking lots to get some exercise. It takes me about 20 minutes and after doing this for about a month, I am really coming to enjoy it.
The buses, though convenient, are infinitely annoying. The drivers tend to wait and wait for passengers--they'd rather hold 30 people hostage while they wait on someone chatting on a cell phone, slowly sauntering to the bus stop. Then there's the germophobe driver whose bus smells so strongly of lysol that it makes me gag. So, it doesn't take much to convince me to walk and avoid those stressors, especially since the weather has cooled.
I used to listen to my iPod during the walk, but these days I actually find it preferable to listen to the podcast in my head. Now, it's almost a meditative state. My walks are very soothing and relaxing. And I don't particularly like talking to people while I'm in the zone.
Enter the stalker walker.
He's a nice enough guy that I've known on campus for over 10 years. He's well meaning and nice. But I just don't want to talk to him on my walk. And it seems that our schedules have been overlapping lately. Ugh!
Last week, I came out of my building and saw him a mere few feet ahead--yikes! I dodged behind a car and worked on tying my shoes. Thing is, in spite of his massive height, he trundles along like a turtle. And he's a collector. A collector of anything that is not nailed down. So he is usually carrying loads of garbage, which further slows him down.
I gave him ample time to get well ahead of me. But as I continued on my walk, I caught up! He was standing between buildings staring at the foliage. Damn! Why didn't I go another way? Being ever so clandestine, I ducked behind a tree and pretended to fumble through my bag. He would not move on! Jeeeez. Finally he did, and I gave him more time to get a head start. He'd schlep forward, I'd catch up. He'd cut across parking lots and I'd go around the perimeter to waste time. We were like a slinky working across campus. It took me an extra 10 minutes to get to my car and that's 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back!
I told my friend Katy and she reminded me of similar experiences she had with him. Ahhh, fantastic! It's not just me. Again, he's a nice enough person, but once you get caught, you can't get out. And being trapped in stressful small talk is in total opposition to my meditation walks. I hope he is oblivious to my scampering escapades, though my friends think otherwise.
Needless to say, this adventure inspired yet another South Park illustration. This time I pushed the artistic envelope by taking pictures of the actual tree hiding location and adding the characters to this photo background. Now, every time I enter that area I spontaneously start laughing. It's only a matter of time until they cart me away!
The buses, though convenient, are infinitely annoying. The drivers tend to wait and wait for passengers--they'd rather hold 30 people hostage while they wait on someone chatting on a cell phone, slowly sauntering to the bus stop. Then there's the germophobe driver whose bus smells so strongly of lysol that it makes me gag. So, it doesn't take much to convince me to walk and avoid those stressors, especially since the weather has cooled.
I used to listen to my iPod during the walk, but these days I actually find it preferable to listen to the podcast in my head. Now, it's almost a meditative state. My walks are very soothing and relaxing. And I don't particularly like talking to people while I'm in the zone.
Enter the stalker walker.
He's a nice enough guy that I've known on campus for over 10 years. He's well meaning and nice. But I just don't want to talk to him on my walk. And it seems that our schedules have been overlapping lately. Ugh!
Last week, I came out of my building and saw him a mere few feet ahead--yikes! I dodged behind a car and worked on tying my shoes. Thing is, in spite of his massive height, he trundles along like a turtle. And he's a collector. A collector of anything that is not nailed down. So he is usually carrying loads of garbage, which further slows him down.
I gave him ample time to get well ahead of me. But as I continued on my walk, I caught up! He was standing between buildings staring at the foliage. Damn! Why didn't I go another way? Being ever so clandestine, I ducked behind a tree and pretended to fumble through my bag. He would not move on! Jeeeez. Finally he did, and I gave him more time to get a head start. He'd schlep forward, I'd catch up. He'd cut across parking lots and I'd go around the perimeter to waste time. We were like a slinky working across campus. It took me an extra 10 minutes to get to my car and that's 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back!
I told my friend Katy and she reminded me of similar experiences she had with him. Ahhh, fantastic! It's not just me. Again, he's a nice enough person, but once you get caught, you can't get out. And being trapped in stressful small talk is in total opposition to my meditation walks. I hope he is oblivious to my scampering escapades, though my friends think otherwise.
Needless to say, this adventure inspired yet another South Park illustration. This time I pushed the artistic envelope by taking pictures of the actual tree hiding location and adding the characters to this photo background. Now, every time I enter that area I spontaneously start laughing. It's only a matter of time until they cart me away!

Hee hee!! I wish you'd put the nasty yellow toboggan cap on his character. : )
Hold your water--it's not quite winter yet!!!! heeeeee!
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