Some of the younger faculty (hooligans I might add) decided it would be a riot to put McCain/Palin signs in his window. Well, actually on the outside of his window, where it would be a challenge for him to remove them. Being how his window is on the EIGHTH FLOOR, it was going to be a challenge putting them up. As the saying goes, where there's a motivated hooligan with an accessible balcony and an extension pole, there's a way.
Though I missed the photo mounting antics, I did get to see the aftermath. Needless to say, Rob was a tad miffed. What could be worse for a rabid democrat than to be faced with Sarah Palin's vapid, smiling stare?!? Oh, my belly aches from the laughter!
When our administrator Mary talked to him about it, he asked her who did it. She said, "Think of one of your sarcastic little buddies." Then he said, "Did Denise do it?"
Whaaaaat? Did I do it??? Number one, I am kind of touched he considers me a little buddy. I had no idea. But how on earth did he think I would be capable of mounting 5 laminated posters on the outside of an 8th floor window? Yes, I am known for my Spiderman-like building scaling talents.
Being bored and easily amused, this drove me to draw yet another cartoon of me up to shenanigans. I tried to use an actual picture of his office as the backdrop for my illustration, but the bright light spilling in foiled my photographic attempts. So I drew it all from scratch:
This afternoon at lunch, I got curious as to whether the signs were visible from the ground. Though they weren't made double sided, just the thought of being able to see them from afar made me laugh. And sure enough, about a block away, I looked up, pointed and burst out laughing! YOU CAN SEE THE SIGNS FROM HERE!
Always carrying my camera, I had to take a picture. I love digital cameras! If you look a the top floor, you can see the small white squares that are the back of the campaign signs!
Always carrying my camera, I had to take a picture. I love digital cameras! If you look a the top floor, you can see the small white squares that are the back of the campaign signs!

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