Summer starts this weekend and it is not wasting any time manifesting in the weather! Between the late spring storms, the sunny weather and my crazy schedule, I hadn't gotten around to mowing the grass in about 2 weeks. It was time, so I opted to swap my gym routine tonight for 45 minutes worth of lawn mowing. I waited until after the sun dropped behind the hills before going out there, though. Too freaking hot in direct sunlight.
There is a reason you shouldn't go too long between mowing. The reason is when the weeds around your flower bed grow higher than your edging, you just might be susceptible to tripping over said edging!
I had mowed most of the front and side yards and had detoured into the back yard. God forbid I could turn off the mower after moving it inside the fenced area to shut the gate. Nooooo, that would require restarting it. I backed it in and tried to maneuver a 3 point turn with the mower still running. Mid-turn, the back of my calves hit the edging and threw me off balance.
There was this amusing slow motion moment where I pinwheeled with one arm, the other holding on to the mower. The mower was like a counterweight, keeping me from falling. I really didn't want to fall. But I also really didn't want my lower legs chewed off by rusty mower blades.
I finally let go of the mower handle and fell back into the bed, squishing a hosta and smacking my arm on the fencing. Sigh. If it's not the dogs killing hostas, it's me!
As long as I didn't dislodge my pork with all the flailing, I'll survive, bruised ego, squished hosta and all.
Here's me and my lovely bruise!

Oh, dear! Poor little hostas... Haha!
Man, your face is getting so SKINNY!!
Tee hee, I'm GAUNT! The hosta seems to be recovering nicely. I think the knee high weeds helped break my fall!
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