Okay, this is what happens when I don't write things down immediately. I forget about them until I am gently reminded by hearing a fluff piece on the news.
So last weekend was the Nashville Kennel Club's dog show. I was pretty much a floater, volunteering all 4 days, picking up the slack where needed, or hanging with my friends when things were slow.
I was sitting at the Catalog Table on Friday when this woman came up and got a few pieces of chocolate. Ann keeps a massive bowl of chocolate on the trophy table or catalog table, just to lure innocents to her so she can bitch later about how this person grabbed a pocket full or how that person dug through it and took out all the peanut butter cups. Mostly she puts it out to provide snacks for people because they are so busy they don't have much time to eat. That it gives her something to bitch about later is just a perk.
So after the woman took and ate a few pieces, she got a horrified look on her face. "I forgot! I gave up chocolate for Lent!"
Of course I found this hysterically funny. Not because she is doomed to hell, but just from the look on her face. Maaaan, I had been doing so well and blew it unconsciously while hanging around the catalog table. Why? WHHHYYYY???
Being the evil henchman that I am, I took great pleasure in letting Ann know she sent this poor exhibitor on the fast route to the everlasting rotisserie. And Ann took great pleasure in repeating the story to others, heh heh. I knew she'd be pleased!
Okay, I don't have a picture of Ann throwing scathing looks from the trophy table, but I do have a lovely picture of one of Joy Bernander's Vampire English Setters. Evil is evil, right?
Just kidding, Ann!!!!

Blah! I vant to suck your blooood!
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