So much to do, so easily able to do things that are not important!
Well, I mean I have gotten stuff done today, but not the things that are most important. Like cleaning the kitchen.
A few weeks ago, the weight of my books on my floating shelf finally beat the drywall anchors. The middle shelf fell off the wall and then knocked the shelf beneath it off the wall on its way down. Ugh. Part of me had the noble thought of, "Gee, why don't I go ahead and paint that wall before I put the shelf back up!" The realistic part of me was like, "Yeah. Sure."
Today I picked up some new anchors, and bolted the daylights out of the wall bracket support. I put up the shelf with the candles and knick-knacks from before, but not the books. I'll pick a few but not the massive pile that was up there before. Yeah, the ones that made the shelf collapse.
I also finished Millie proofing her x-pen with corner brackets and a bungee cord to the chaise lounge. She would stand on her hind legs and push-jump the pen, moving it around the dining room. Now, heh heh, it ain't going nowhere! She's a tad miffed about that, but I'm miffed at her constantly picking fights, so we're even.
I trimmed Tuesday's toenails and toe-fur, did 3 loads of doggie laundry, took pictures of my garden and updated my website. Oh, I also put wheels on my kennel cab so I can drag Millie around in that at shows. Reassembled my laptop in the dining room (hooked it back up to the external display after taking it with to east TN). Lots of little odds and ends.
Unfortunately, the house is still a mess and there are things from the weekend trip all over the place. Looks like the trunk of my car exploded. But I suppose I'll get around to it eventually. I need to invite people over--that's the best way to get me to clean!